Chinmaya Mission UK Bookshop

Shree Ramajatakam


SKU: 20298 Category: Tag: Product ID: 11024

Author: CIF

A.R. Raja Raja Varma, famous as Kerala Paëini, was a brilliant Sanskrit scholar. He was well versed in grammar, literature, poetics, astrology, and many other branches of Sanskrit Learning. He has also made a comparative study of western and eastern principles of Jyotiña. The Sri Ramajatakam, hitherto unknown work of A. R. Raja Raja Varma, was discovered by Dr. K. H. Subramanian, former Director of CIF, during his research and is published by Chinmaya International Foundation.

The work deals with chronological dating of the life events in Sri Rama’s life based on his Horoscope. This is a wonderful asset to Sri Rama Bhaktas as well as students of Jyotiña (astrology).

Weight 0.3 kg