Chinmaya Mission UK Bookshop

Be a Mukhya Yajmaan (Sponsor 108 Chalisas)


Categories: , Product ID: 21532

Date: Sunday 21st April 2024
Time: 9am-6pm followed by Dinner Prasad

The Mukhya Yajmaan category is for the sponsorship of 108 Chalisas.


We kindly request all sponsorships for in person attendance to be submitted by 2pm on Saturday 20th April so we can accommodate everyone. 
For any in person sponsorship enquiries on the day, please come to the Registration Desk.  However, please note that due to high demand, we may not be able to fulfil requests. 
If you would like to sponsor and are unable to attend in person, the event will also be live streamed with the option to display your name on screen.


Please note the following:
1) The Hanuman Chalisas will be chanted between 9am-6pm.
2) Please kindly make your way to the Registration Desk on arrival, and you will be allocated a Chalisa number.
3) Please arrive well in advance of your desired time slot to collect your number from the registration desk.
4) Wait times can range from 30 minutes to 2 hours, especially during busy times in the afternoon. We will of course endeavour to seat you as quickly as possible from our side.
5) Yajmaan slots will be shared given the large number of devotees present.
6) Maximum 4 people per party on stage.
7) Chalisa Numbers will only be allocated once your full party arrives to the venue
If you have any questions when completing this form, please contact
All proceeds go to Chinmaya Mission UK.