Chinmaya Mission UK Bookshop

Manifesting Divinity – Chinmaya Vision on Education – Mananam Series


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SKU: MNM004 Categories: , Tag: Product ID: 11100

Author: Mananam Series

CHINMAYA VISION ON EDUCATION Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda was one of India’s greatest exponents of Vedanta of modern times. With his deep insight into life and realization of the Supreme, he conceived a holistic educational program relevant to modern times yet rooted in a time-tested ancient Indian education system, values and way of life. His vision on education was brought to life in 1965 when the first ‘Chinmaya Vidyalaya’ or ‘temple of learning’ opened to Children in Kollengode, Kerala. In Manifesting Divinity – Chinmaya Vision on Education, a fictional journalist (Amrita) and former “Chinmaya Vidyalaya’ pupil (Rishi) take the reader on a journey that unravels Gurudev’s grand vision on education with the “Making of the Master,’ the ‘Chinmaya Vision Programme,’ the ‘Chinmaya Education Institutions and the ‘Education Cell’. The book also delves into Swami Chinmayananda’s thoughts and his influence on management principles and practitioners, and his lofty vision for the arts. A must-read, especially if you are an educator at heart – a parent or a teacher, a visionary or a seeker. Do you have earlier titles of this series He Did It Vedanta Unto Research Also Look out for upcoming titles in this series

Weight 1 kg