Chinmaya Mission UK Bookshop

Holy Gita (Gujarati)- commentary by Swami Chinmayananda


SKU: S3006A Categories: , , Tags: , , Product ID: 11901

Author: Swami Chinmayananda

This is a translation of the commentary written by Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda by the name The Holy Geeta.

— A dialogue between Lord Krishna the divine in us and Arjuna the symbol of our deluded ego (jeevabhava)

— How our mental confusion, delusion, desires, passions etc destroy our inner peace and how to overcome them is indicated

— Geeta is a consolation to the bereaved, disillusioned, disappointed, morally slipped and spiritually fallen

— It is a guidance to a politician, businessman and teenagers. The grand vision of the universe and all pervasiveness of God indicated

— The secret of action pointed out

— How one can step up efficiency, inner peace, concentration, usefulness to others and joy to himself is indicated

— Tips for effective meditation given

— Nature of the perfect man pointed out

— Science of spiritual growth, spiritual fall and impotent stagnation is indicated

— The beauty of the spirit and the ways of reaching the divine goal are indicated and that is the glory of Geeta.

Weight 1.9 kg