Chinmaya Mission UK Bookshop



5 in stock

SKU: 10216-1 Categories: , , , Tags: , , Product ID: 18089

Author: CIF

The Brahma-sūtra, authored by Śrī Veda-vyāsa, forms one of the principal texts of Advaita-vedānta. It strings together the major thoughts presented in the Upaniṣads and the detailed commentary by Śrī Śaṅkarācārya is invaluable for our understanding of it.

Written for the modern student of Advaita-Vedānta, this text is structured like a scaffold to help both – those with a modicum of understanding of philosophy as well as advanced readers – reach the conceptual heights of Advaita-vedānta. The text carries a detailed, analytical and lucid commentary in English.

The profound teachings of Śrī Śaṅkarācārya on the Brahmasūtra-catuḥsūtrī have now been made accessible. The original text is substantiated with copious citations from 10 sub-commentaries on the Śaṅkara-bhāṣya. Variant readings of the original have been compiled from 16 texts.

This is the most comprehensive treatment on the Brahmasūtra-chatuḥsūtrī currently available.

Weight 3 kg